
WBW News and Action: The Threat of Peace

Thousands protest at Ramstein

This past week, thousands of people from 13 NATO countries converged on the U.S. Ramstein Airbase in a remote area of western Germany to demand its immediate closure. World BEYOND War was represented by Pat Elder who sent us this report.

Ads go up in Toronto and DC
More big ads are spreading the word on bus shelters in Washington, D.C., near the White House:

and in lots of subways in Toronto:

Billboards and large ads make great focuses for events and flyering and signature gathering. Help us use them in more places, and see more photos, here.

Demilitarization and Disarmament

Click here to join the discussion on disarming and demilitarizing security

Join World Beyond War in this timely discussion on demilitarizing security by participating in discussion 8 of our online study guide STUDY WAR NO MORE.

This discussion features an introductory video on demilitarization in theory and practice by Study and Action Partner Kozue Akibayashi, a feminist peace researcher activist and the International President of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

Read David Swanson’s remarks in San Diego, California

“Altruism and Sadism in Public Policy.”

Going after Google in support of its workers who reject war work

Read news of recent action.
Add your name to petition.

Be a social media star with these graphics:

Get these and lots more to share.

No U.S. Military Transports Through Germany

Help us tell NATO: Cease all transportation of troops and weapons through Germany.

Donations Needed
We cannot keep doing this work without your help. Please become a recurring donor.

Find and Add Events

Our new events map includes peace events coming up all over the world.

Some fear the threat of peace

Help us advance peace.

Watch our webinar!

On June 18, we kicked off our webinar series with a discussion of how to grow the movement for war abolition. The webinar addressed World BEYOND War’s mission, strategy, campaigns, and education programs – and opportunities for getting involved! Watch the full video here.

RSVP for Webinar #2!

Our next webinar on July 17 will feature our partners at Justice Travel, a travel company that offers unique tours that highlight communities around the world advocating for human rights and social justice. Representatives will discuss their mission and programs, such as their upcoming Colombia tour (October 2 – 15, 2018), which will highlight the ongoing peacebuilding process in the country. Register for the webinar

Celebrate the International Day of Peace with Us!

We’re taking our annual celebration of the International Day of Peace to Toronto this September 20-23. Join us for a series of events in Canada’s largest city:

●     September 20: “Inside Iran” Exclusive Book Talk with CODEPINK Co-Founder Medea Benjamin. Medea’s new book tackles the contradictions in Iran’s system of government, traces the history of its stormy relationship with the U.S., and presents a hopeful case for the future. RSVP here.

●     September 21-22: #NoWar2018 Conference.World BEYOND War’s annual convergence of activists, experts, and peace organizations. Workshops, discussion sessions, and plenaries will explore how the rule of law has been used both to restrain war and to legitimize it. View the full agenda & register with early-bird discount.

●     September 23: Blue Scarf Peace Walk. Join us and our allies in Toronto for a peaceful walk through the city, to celebrate the International Day of Peace. We’ll hear talks from peace activists and community leaders in the anti-war movement. The walk kicks off at 2:00pm at the Grange Park on Beverly St., Toronto. The Blue Scarf Peace Movement began in Kabul with the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Get your blue scarf here!

Trump Weapons Parade Planned for November 10
According to news reports, the U.S. military is reluctantly planning a weapons-celebration parade that only Donald Trump wants, from the U.S. Capitol to White House to National Mall on Saturday, November 10th.

We need to be there for peace in larger numbers, and we need to make clear now that we will be. Here’s a tool kit for planning an Armistice Day event or joining in an existing event, including events in Washington on November 10 and 11.

Meet in Ireland to Close Bases Everywhere

Join us in Dublin, Ireland, November 16-18. Register now.

If you haven’t signed the peace pledge, please do. If you have, please let others know about it. Please use hardcopy sign-up sheets at every event and opportunity and mail or email us the new signers. This is how we build the movement.

Contact us if you’d like to help with any of these campaigns:

Educational Events.

Close Bases.

Support the Rule of Law.

Divest from Weapons Dealers.

Pass Resolutions.

Blue Scarves

Buy them here.
Become a sustaining donor to World BEYOND Warand choose a scarf or a book (lots to choose from) as a thank you gift.

Dress for Success

News from WorldBeyondWar.org

Let’s Design a World Beyond War

On the 50th Anniversary of the Non-Proliferation Treaty: An Exercise in Bad Faith

On Purpose, In Kabul

Trump threatens Canada, ‘defence’ community stays quiet

The Persistent Myth of US Precision Bombing

Why Are the Poor Patriotic?

WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement – 
support our work for a culture of peace.


World BEYOND War PO Box 1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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